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About us

Leggings with art in mind.

Fun Designs for All

We’re just getting started

Not just for yogis, yoga is great for athletes of all levels. Whether you’re amateur or pro on the field or in the gym, yoga can increase your strength, flexibility, balance, agility, stability, endurance, core, and recovery, among other things. Get mentally prepped for the game, match, training or any challenge through proper breathing and structured focus techniques.

914 Sports Designs is a brand from 914Jefferson LLC. With this website, we aim to bring quality Lifestyle Products to athletes and non-athletes in traditional and alternative sports with themes they may have not previously seen with Yoga Style Products. With our flagship brand, 914 Sports Designs, we hope to inspire sports athletes of all skill levels to seek their Shanti.
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All products are Hand Cut, Sewn and Printed on Demand.

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